from typing import List, Generator, Union
import numpy
import torch
from CPCProt import CPCProtModel, CPCProtEmbedding, CPCProtConfig
from CPCProt.model.cpcprot import DEFAULT_CONFIG
from CPCProt.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from numpy import ndarray
from bio_embeddings.embed import EmbedderInterface
[docs]class CPCProtEmbedder(EmbedderInterface):
"""CPCProt Embedder
Lu, Amy X., et al. "Self-supervised contrastive learning of protein
representations by mutual information maximization." bioRxiv (2020).
name = "cpcprot"
embedding_dimension = 512
number_of_layers = 1
_necessary_files = ["model_file"]
def __init__(self, device: Union[None, str, torch.device] = None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(device, **kwargs)
self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(vocab="iupac")
# If we don't do this here, CPCProtModel will end up on the gpu if one is
# available, even if we passed the cpu as device.
# Afaik this is the best way to derive from DEFAULT_CONFIG
dict_cfg = DEFAULT_CONFIG.to_dict()
dict_cfg["use_cuda"] = self._device.type == "cuda"
raw_model = CPCProtModel(cfg=CPCProtConfig.from_dict(dict_cfg)).to(self._device)
state_dict = dict(
torch.load(self._options["model_file"], map_location=self._device)
for i in list(state_dict.keys()):
if i.startswith("module."):
state_dict[i[7:]] = state_dict[i]
del state_dict[i]
self._model = CPCProtEmbedding(
[docs] def embed(self, sequence: str) -> ndarray:
[embedding] = self.embed_batch([sequence])
return embedding
[docs] def embed_batch(self, batch: List[str]) -> Generator[ndarray, None, None]:
encoded = [numpy.array(self.tokenizer.encode(sequence)) for sequence in batch]
# 11 is the minimum patch size, so we need to zero-pad shorter sequences
pad_length = max(max([i.shape[0] for i in encoded]), 11)
padded = [numpy.pad(i, (0, pad_length - i.shape[0])) for i in encoded]
torch_inputs = torch.from_numpy(numpy.array(padded))
yield from self._model.get_z_mean(torch_inputs).detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] @staticmethod
def reduce_per_protein(embedding: ndarray) -> ndarray:
return embedding