Source code for bio_embeddings.utilities.exceptions

class NoEmbeddingException(Exception):
    Exception to handle the case no embedding has been computed, and one requests features.

class MissingParameterError(Exception):
    Exception for missing parameters

[docs]class InvalidParameterError(Exception): """ Exception for invalid parameter settings """
class SequenceTooLongException(Exception): """ Exception when trying to embed sequences longer then the limit """ class MD5ClashException(Exception): """ When remapping sequences from a fasta file, if there is an MD5 clash, this will stop the execution """ class TooFewComponentsException(InvalidParameterError): """ Thrown when n_components is nonsensical (e.g. < 2) """ class ConversionUniqueMismatch(Exception): """ Thrown when trying to remap using a mapping file which doesn't have as many uniuqye original_ids as md5 hashes """ class UnrecognizedEmbeddingError(Exception): """ Thrown when trying to access embeddings for sequences which have no embedding. """ class InvalidAnnotationFileError(Exception): """ Thrown when an annotation file contains invalid values """