Source code for bio_embeddings.visualize.plotly_plots

import plotly
import as px
from plotly.graph_objects import Figure as _Figure
from pandas import DataFrame

[docs]def render_3D_scatter_plotly(embeddings_dataframe: DataFrame) -> _Figure: """ Return a Plotly Figure (3D scatter plot) based on a DataFrame containing three components. :param embeddings_dataframe: the DataFrame *must* contain three numerical columns called `component_0`, `component_1` and `component_2`. The DataFrame index will be used to identify the points in the scatter plot. Optionally, the DataFrame may contain a column called `label` which will be used to color the points in the scatter plot. :return: A 3D scatter plot """ if 'label' in embeddings_dataframe.columns: fig = px.scatter_3d(embeddings_dataframe, x='component_0', y='component_1', z='component_2', color='label', symbol='label', hover_name=embeddings_dataframe.index, hover_data=["label"] ) else: fig = px.scatter_3d(embeddings_dataframe, x='component_0', y='component_1', z='component_2', hover_name=embeddings_dataframe.index, ) fig.update_layout( # Remove axes ticks and labels as they are usually not informative scene=dict( xaxis=dict( showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, title="" ), yaxis=dict( showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, title="" ), zaxis=dict( showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, title="" ) ), ) return fig
[docs]def render_scatter_plotly(embeddings_dataframe: DataFrame) -> _Figure: """ Return a Plotly Figure (2D scatter plot) based on a DataFrame containing three components. :param embeddings_dataframe: the DataFrame *must* contain two numerical columns called `component_0` and `component_1`. The DataFrame index will be used to identify the points in the scatter plot. Optionally, the DataFrame may contain a column called `label` which will be used to color the points in the scatter plot. :return: A 2D scatter plot """ hover_data = [] if "original_id" in embeddings_dataframe.columns: hover_data.append("original_id") if "label" in embeddings_dataframe.columns: hover_data.append("label") if 'label' in embeddings_dataframe.columns: fig = px.scatter(embeddings_dataframe, x='component_0', y='component_1', color='label', symbol='label', hover_name=embeddings_dataframe.index, hover_data=hover_data ) else: fig = px.scatter(embeddings_dataframe, x='component_0', y='component_1', hover_name=embeddings_dataframe.index, hover_data=hover_data ) fig.update_layout( # Remove axes ticks and labels as they are usually not informative scene=dict( xaxis=dict( showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, title="" ), yaxis=dict( showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, title="" ) ), ) return fig
[docs]def save_plotly_figure_to_html(figure: _Figure, path: str) -> None: """ Store plotly figure as interactive HTML file :param figure: A Plotly Figure :param path: A string representing the path and/or filename where the HTML figure should be stored (e.g.: /path/to/figure.html). """ plotly.offline.plot(figure, filename=path)